1 To avoid infinite loop, SubInacl doesn't process registry key with * 2 /stat /nostat - Create a new screen buffer to monitor statistics 3 /samobject support added 4 /cleandeletesids=domain[=owner|group|sacl\dacl] added 5 /subdir=dironly,fileonly was not working on sub levels 6 /offlinecachesam added 7 RegOpenKeyEx uses the REG_OPTION_RESTORE_BACKUP option. 8 call SetSecurityDescriptorControl correctly 9 fix minor bugs 658051,658600 10 /findsid displays the ACL field machting the Domainccount 11 /cluster issue is solved. Security Descriptor file share parameter is also updated 12 /sddl support added - Fix issue with /offlinesam in a Workgroup - SubInacl /sub c:modifed to be SubInacl /sub c:.* 13 Unicode support 14 Full Unicode support - /displaycachesid to dump cache sids 15 Fix invalid Sid problem 16 /sdeny /sgrant support 17 "QueryServiceSecurityObject replaces by GetSecurityObject and bug /clean /alternate"